Member Profiles

Jacob Lerman aka Mr. “Dad”
Jake deserves credit for being one of the originators of this great league. I visualize him sitting in a recliner with a half eaten sandwich and light beer while half asleep watching the Niners, telling his house guests how great of fullback William Floyd was. Jake also has a calming presence that fathers offer to their children in a time of need. When the parliament is at a crossroads you can guarantee when Jake gets involved his opinion is taken as seriously as anyone else’s and he’s not afraid to show his stern side when needed.
Jonny Carameros aka Mr. “Step-Dad”
Jonny is responsible for being the other creator of the Parliament. He’s also the oldest member which inherently brings a sense of leadership to the league, but don’t be fooled, he’s not afraid to act like more friend than a father figure when it comes to social events. Like Jake, when Jonny speaks the league listens, but unlike Jake, Jonny is willing to whip out his belt and beat some sense into each and every member accordingly.
TJ Bonaventura aka Mr. “Transaction”
 For better or for worst, you can guarantee that TJ is willing to trade his whole team for no god damn reason. Some call it boredom, some call it an addiction, but either way, you can believe that his roster from draft to season’s end will undoubtedly be completely different. At one point he owned a top 5 player in each of the three sports (Trout, Beckham Jr, Curry) now only one remains (Trout). Winner of the 2013 season, and flirting with the SAT in all other seasons.
Jeremy Reitman aka Mr “Untranslateable”
 I don’t think there’s any question of Reitman’s sports knowledge. Especially his first love, basketball. For someone who never played fantasy baseball, he’s done an admirable job understanding it. However, for whatever reason his knowledge has not translated well to fantasy. He’s already had to take the dreaded SATs once and finds himself in the 2015-16 season in the hunt to take them again. Jeremy holds a ton of great assets and couple of moves here and there could set himself up nicely for the long haul…if he so chooses.
Chris Chinn aka Mr. “Loop Hole”
Chinn was the inaugural winner of the Parliament and aiding him was legally taking advantage of the roster settings in baseball. His competitiveness goes unmatched and is always looking for an edge to capitalize on, whether it’s loose wording in the charter, or a trade to move up a few spots in the draft. While the league is split on his tactics, ultimately his action is great for the Parliament and keeps all members on their toes for what he could have up his sleeve.
Jeremy Hamaoui aka Mr. “One Sport”
Ham’s best sport far and away is Football where his average placement out of 12 is 2.5. At the end of this season, that will be by far the highest average placement for any one sport. There is the only problem, he struggles mightily in baseball and basketball. Like Reitman, the Parliament was Ham’s first soiree into baseball which he’s still trying to find his way. If Ham can find any sort success in baseball or basketball, the league would have a force to deal with.
Rob Walker aka Mr. “Stay the course”
For as active as Rob is when it comes to planning Parliament social events and making sure the league is using correct fantasy sports platform, he’s the exact opposite when it comes managing his teams. We’re now onto our last sport of the 4th season and Rob has managed an average of 1.9 trades per sport since the inception. With all that being said, Rob has been a constant at the top of the standings, his knowledge of stats and how to manipulate spreadsheets makes him a force to be reckoned with year in and year out.
Zack DiMaggio aka Mr. “We’ll figure it out”
Zack earns this nickname due to his nonchalant trading tactics and just general life motives, his response always seems to be “we’ll figure it out”. Well, unfortunately, Zack has yet to “figure it out” when it comes to finishing in the money. His random sports knowledge might finally be benefiting him as he’s looking to win the coveted championship trophy (which by the way has no name) this year, but if you ask him what he thinks, I’m sure he’ll tell you “we’ll figure it out”.
Forest Spiegel aka Mr. “Wild Card”
The butt of all Parliament jokes, and deservedly so, after how our inaugural season went where he won the distinguished honor of being the first SAT participant and earning his name on the losers trophy. You never know what move he’ll make next as well as the next thing that comes out of his mouth, which always provides the rest of the league with quality entertainment. But Forest has done a good job of sneakily finishing middle of the pack the past two seasons while quietly attaining major keepers across all three sports. The question becomes what hell will he do with it.
Team Participants
Brad Chickman and Ryan Musser aka The “Odd Couple”
Childhood friends become teammates. Like the late Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon and their on-screen greatness, Brad seems to rely upon Ryan to cleaning up his mess that he creates during baseball and football seasons. Ryan, the basketball specialist, has had to routinely save Brad’s ass on both fantasy and social media fronts. Brad is arguably the most active opinion on the Parliament Facebook page, and you can bet Ryan will be there to back up his partner when the written diarrhea begins.
Yoni Michael and Rooz Yavari aka The “Snake and the Mongoose”
In this scenario, Rooz is the snake. He will be slithering and hissing his way into a trade at the last minute, or backchanneling his proposal for a rule change. Yet, he has one constant enemy opposing him and that’s his partner Yoni (the mongoose) ready to kill any trade talks that Rooz might have drawn up without his permission. The 2015-16 campaign has been this tandem’s first taste of success. But who will lead this team down the road, the snake or the mongoose?
Josh Lohrenz and Griffin Walker aka The “Underground Powerhouse”
Since their start in the Parliament as an expansion team in 2013, they have not disappointed. They have trusted each other (Griff in baseball, Josh in basketball, and collectively for football) and have silently become a force the league has underestimated. Now to say they’re not active on our Facebook page is an underestimation, but be sure when they talk no one listens. Above average keepers and steady drafting have been their formula for success. The trophy may not be too far in their sights